The secrets of ancient Egyptian High Alchemy — Osirian Alchemy, taught to the masses and known to all initiates; Horian Alchemy, taught only to the royal lineage and selected high initiates. Together, they are known as the Lunar and Solar Paths of Alchemy, both culminating as the third, most esoteric path.
Life On Earth Mastery:
Protocols To Transcend Fate & Manifest Your Purpose
“We do not predict the future when we know how to create it.”
This book was written to support the self-awakening journey of any serious student or seeker. After some years of teaching and working with the Spiritual Laws, I felt that it was time to organize what we were all dealing with into a proper framework, which includes our daily endeavours and the common challenges one encounters as a ‘spiritual being’ experiencing this ‘human reality’.
Knowledge without application remains only as speculation. When applied consciously into our actions, however – knowledge creates results.
An excerpt from the book’s Foreword by world-renown author and speaker of Chinese Metaphysics, Dato’ Joey Yap, describes the ethos nicely:
“…. as a consequence of living in the modern age, life feels as if it is moving at a speed that makes it seem impossible to exercise control over what happens in our own lives. The world spins wildly onwards and we are simply swept along and buffeted at every turn. “I want more of what I want in my life and less of everything else,” we say, but we do not know how to achieve it. In the face of such reality, it is all too often that we are told to lead a more spiritual and fulfilled life in worldly terms. However, we are never advised on how to go about it. What we want and need is nuts-and-bolts information on how to build such a life. What we want and deserve is the actual step-by-step-guide.
The latter is now possible by reading this book. Today, Sherwin is a master-level spiritual teacher who shares his formulas and methods for living in a series of clear, simple and doable steps.”