Buddhi (Sanskrit: बुद्धि) refers to the intellectual faculty and the power to "form and retain concepts, reason, discern, judge, comprehend, understand.”
We are living in a time where information is in utter abundance; yet what has become scarce, ironically — is discernment.
True comprehension arising as a result of self-awareness. The ability to wisely utilize said information is lost. Instead:
Information is used to wrap around us like a security blanket. The ego uses this like armour to gain ‘power over other’, to feel superior, and safeguard itself.
And it is a vicious cycle. When we treat information cheaply, we also acquire it by cheap means. Borrow, beg, steal. Pinch from here and pinch from there, piece together a shaky collage. Add more dazzle to hide the cracks. Instead of making a commitment to actually learn, immerse, and steep. Too slow. Too much work. Doesn’t help that we are also now in a culture that glorifies ‘quick surface learning’ and ‘info-collaging’.
We call it ‘smart’, or ‘leveraging’, or ‘capitalizing’. Genius, they say.
And unfortunately, because it is acquired in a cheap way, that information can never truly be turned into knowledge or wisdom.
The fruit grows from the seed which was planted. Any intention seeded by cowardice will only manifest as the outcome of fear. The seed of ignorance bears only foolish fruits.
O Vakratunda! Grant us patience and peace of mind, that we may take the time to go deep within. Remove all fears of seeing the truth of who we are, so that we no longer fear going deep in learning, knowing, and understanding.
O Ekadanta! Grant us persistency and courage to take on whatever challenges and resistances which arise from deepening our study, from turning it into practice. Remove the fear in our minds that leave us only scouring at the surface of many things, yet learning nothing in the end.
O Lambodhara! Grant us the fortitude to consume and digest what we have learned and experienced, so that we may one day embody the dharma of the knowledge laid down by the ancients; remove that hunger of the mind to desperately know many things — but understand nothing.
Aum Ekadantaya Vidmahe
Vakratundaya dheemahi
Tanno buddhi prachodayat