Nepal is a beautiful place, this I’ve always known.

Since I came here to celebrate my 37th birthday some years back, I’ve returned many times — twice even with student groups. It was never my intention to do sacred journeys here. There is always that risk of over-exposure, commercialization, bastardization, and dilution of beauty — and spiritual teachings.
When something becomes ‘too easily accessible’ it is the nature of human beings to take things for granted.
Eat Pray Love almost always become ‘Eat Pray Leave Thrash’ (emotional or otherwise)
While climbing up the arduous steps of Patibhara mountain, somewhere between 3.4k to 3.5k elevation, Aaron remarked, “Can you imagine how long it took for these stone blocks to be laid into a stairway?”
Each irregular stone block had been carefully laid into the path we now walked. This reminder filled me with humility and gratitude:
How many seeds of intention we plant today that we will likely NEVER see its fruit? How many backbreaking hours and years have gone into laying the foundation for others to walk? I’d like to think that only devotion can lead people to such incredible selfless feats.
And then: how many are fruits of destruction that we might be seeding today, thinking ‘it’s okay’ for now? Telling ourselves, “it’s only a small thing”? Lying to ourselves, “I don’t have a choice.”
Or: no one will know?
Nepal is the bosom of the Mother Goddess. The mountains are Her Body. I have seen and felt unimaginable beauty and mystical wonder here. The winding mountain paths are the folds of Her infinite dress of maya, in and out between realities. The mist and fog, Her breath. And with each visit She teaches me more — and She wants to give me more, but I in my mortal form and samskara and karmic limitation can only receive so much at one time.
And so I persist in my sadhana and purification — maybe next time I’ll understand better and deeper. That I may have better rein over my egoic mind and unconscious reactions.
For now, at this moment, my Heart is full.
Sarva Mangala.