When we are not living in alignment with our life force, flowing along with Prana — we start to grasp at information around us to stay afloat. We escape the anxiety of the Body by running into the attic of the Mind.
But. The anxiety continues to grow, although ignored. The Body starts to weaken, although numbed. Using an overload of superfluous information (or other outer distractions), we numb ourselves to what the Body wants to say.
“I’m scared. Help me.”
“I’m losing control and I don’t know what to do.”
Staying in the mind surrounded by information gives us that false sense of control. I’m busy, the Mind says. So I must be doing something useful. Let’s keep doing some-thing so that I might forget this anxiety.
Meanwhile, the Body continues to deteriorate, losing life-force as we speak.
So in the first place: Why?
What does it means when we say ‘not living in alignment’? Or “not flowing along with prana?”
What does it mean?
We go out of alignment when we do not speak and act in our truth. We fight prana’s natural flow when we are not honest with our feelings and thoughts.
(And truth is often inconvenient and difficult because it triggers change around us! And we don’t know how to handle conflict)
Incongruence is a barrier to prana, the natural life energy permeating from the universe and the earth. Spiritually, we stop breathing, stop taking in the goodness of life.
Because being honest is scary. Admitting to ourselves that we don’t have any control of what’s happening is scary. Honesty means risking being overwhelmed, and it’s TERRIFYING.
The way of the Goddess is through Submission.
Ah, even the word ‘submission’ is often met with so much wounding and distortion. It elicits all forms of defenses and self-protecting.
“Why the hell should I submit? Why should I give-up my power to someone else?”
Beneath the armor, here’s that same voice:
“I am afraid to trust.”
“I have trusted before and I was betrayed. I was hurt badly. When I needed love the most, no one was there for me.”
“And now I am afraid to ask for help, because I don’t think anyone will support me. I am all on my own, so I have to retain control AT ALL COSTS.”
Fight or flight, the human survival mechanism is a very REAL thing. It permeates our nadis and nervous system. But how long are we able to navigate this world from the eyes of a wounded creature, meeting all occasions with Fight or Flight?
The ultimate sacrifice of the mind is the submission of the ego. When nothing works anymore, we are often pushed to the point of surrender.
“I submit. Here’s my pride. I can’t run anymore and I don’t know what to do. I give-up.”
Help me. Guide me.
Show me how.
And that is exactly what She does, because the Goddess is always first Mother before all else. She is protector before warrior. She is provider before She takes.
The Mother Goddess was always there.
But in our years of anxiety to gather information in our minds, to escape dealing with the truth, to shape that barrier around us to stay temporarily safe — we forget Her.
But I bring you good news.
A Mother never forgets Her children. She has never forgotten (nor forsaken) you.
Submission is the only true way to the Goddess. So off with your head! Enough already. Resistance is futile and you know it.
Fall back into the Heart. Soften your defenses. It is safe. All will be well.
She is there, in your Heart — not your mind — waiting for you.
सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
sarvamangalamangalye shive sarvarthasadhike |sharanye tryambake gauri narayani namo’stu te ||
O Narayani.
Giver of Refuge. She Who sees the Three Realms. She Who is Complete and Most Auspicious.
Bless our true heart’s desires. Keep us close to You always.
(Photo by Yogini Shambhavi)