“Asuras are part of Hinduism along with Devas, Yakshas (nature spirits), Rakshasas (fierce man-eating beings or demons), Bhutas (ghosts) and many more. Asuras have been featured in many cosmological theories and legends in Hinduism and Buddhism.”

Are ‘asuras’ — what is commonly translated as ‘demons’ or ‘power-driven beings’ — actually ‘real’ or literal?
Let me explain. For simplicity’s sake, and based on my own understanding and experience, asuras can be divided into 3 planes of existence: the inner, the astral, and the physical.
Before that, a story.
How did Mahishasura, the famous Buffalo demon slain eventually by the Goddess Durga, become so strong and powerful in the first place? That he had the ferocity to threaten and defeat the mighty Devas (light beings)?
Like all other asuras in mythology, he spent many prior years doing severe penance and sadhana — but with the goal of attaining power. After years and lifetimes, Brahma appears to him and grants his boon, that no man, deva, or asura may defeat him.
Hiranyakashipu did the same, gaining power as a result of dedicated sadhana, then using that power to wreak havoc upon the three worlds, before finally being decimated by Narasimha, the avatar of Vishnu. Bhasmasura, the ‘ash demon’ who gained the power to reduce anything to ashes by mere touch, was finally subdued by Mohini, another form of Vishnu.
Such stories are endless. Asuras, motivated by their tamasic and rajasic nature, perform diligent sadhana in order to control and manipulate others. Devas, although imperfect themselves, are more driven by a sattvic nature, perform sadhana for the purpose of peace, order, healing, and balance for all.
The 3 simplified levels of asuras:
1. All humans have their inner asuras, our inner demons. The parts of our ego and being that it yet-healed, yet-understood, and yet-embraced. Today we call it ‘shadow-work’, learning to uncover what’s beneath the surface, what drives us from within the unconscious self. Learning to uncover our own self-sabotaging and unhealthy patterns. This becomes part of our daily inner struggle, learning to make more conscious decisions, choosing self-awareness, and making wiser choices.
2. The Astral Plane is the subtle vibrational realm that exists between the physical and the purely energetic. It is invisible to most people; some people can feel or access the astral planes (check for strong 12th House in astrology), although it is more troublesome than not.
Most of the ‘mythology’ that we read about all take place in the astral realms, again and again, because time does not exist there.
And then, the most fascinating of all: the PHYSICAL plane. Yes. Flesh and blood.
Here is where the first two, the inner asuras and astral asuras — meet.
How, you ask?
3. When our inner demons are left unchecked, over a period of time, and when we give further energy and power to glorify our fears, wounds, and pain (instead of working to understand and heal them)…. they start to manifest into something tangible in our mind and bodies.
Given the right astrological timing, such as major eclipses, when the shadow aspect overrides the light of clarity, the astral planes are known to open temporarily, and the spiritual/energetic asuras may crossover to the physical.
But please, don’t panic.
Astral beings, based on what I’ve seen in my years of healing, shadow-work and spirit-releasement, are usually drawn to those who have sufficiently fed their inner asuras (fears, wounds, pain, ego) over time. The inner vibration must match the outer, then there will be resonance and manifestation.
On the physical level, people CAN choose to embody the asuras. This is nothing new, over the course of human history we have seen this in immoral but influential humans, greed-driven minds, and of course, cult leaders.
Why do you think all cult leaders are always called ‘charismatic’ and ‘persuasive’, or ‘seemingly very sincere’? Those qualities come from previous lifetimes of metaphysical cultivation, rituals, and ‘good karma’. When given ‘power’ the true test is how one chooses to wield it. More often than not, the wounded ego-self, the asuric shadow aspect, takes over.
And of course, it is not always easy to spot them! And people who are IN some cult rarely ever realize what they are in… obviously there is some resonance, TRAUMA BOND, and ‘deeper lesson’ to be learned there. No surprise that there are so many docu-series on cults recently on Netflix (‘How to Become a Cult Leader’, ‘Escaping Twin Flames’).
For the viewer, the same questions arise:
* How on earth can THAT person influence and persuade so many others?
* Why on earth do people listen to such crazy claims? Can’t they see or think for themselves?
Viewers often get very frustrated by what’s seemingly obvious, and many a time, the horror that comes when seeing people make damaging decisions as ‘instructed’ by the ‘cult leader’.
One of the main reasons is the Trauma Bond; psychologists know that trauma bonding is a very deep and complex thing. It is also the same reason, for example, why A MAJORITY of abused spouses tend to go back to the same abusive partners when given a chance.
Secondly, when a person is going through a confused or clouded ‘inauspicious’ Mahadasha (planetary time period) in their personal astrology chart — they tend to gravitate toward less wholesome and fear-based situations.
Deep topics seem to be coming-up as we approach the eclipse. Maybe there is opportunity for deeper learning and clarity, that sliver of light in the dark. Sometimes, you just have to open your eyes and see what is already obvious. Sometimes, a little common sense goes a long way.
Next round I promise I’ll bring you some good news, astrologically, after the eclipse. Till then, stay calm, breathe deep, and self-reflect. Who knows.
3 days to go. May it bring your clarity from what’s been hidden through your lifetimes.