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Glorious Parvati


… sublime yogini, entered into my consciousness some years ago thanks to my yoga teacher.

It was during our 5-day Tapas training, when she was expounding on how none of the devas could rouse Shiva from his deep meditation, and thus Purusha (consciousness) began to withdraw from the world.

They called upon Shakti, who upon hearing their cries, took the incarnation of Parvati, Daughter of the Mountain. But unlike Her previous incarnation Sita who walked the Path of Fire — Parvati stood with one leg in icy river water in perfect sadhana. For years. Until Shiva stirred, moved by Her unyielding devotion.

Thus the eternal dance between Purusha and Prakriti would resume.

She is both mistress of yagna and puja, the embodiment of death and then rebirth, and it is through Her that the divine consciousness we call Shiva may become known and felt in this manifest world.

I think about Her often, in between breaths, especially when I stand in Vriksasana (Tree). I imagine that I too, am standing with one leg in an icy river. When my mind wobbles, I think about how Her devotion must have felt like. I think about the tapa (spiritual fire) that must have been burning within Her, slow and steady, a lover’s flame, that even the ice around Shiva’s frozen mountain abode — detached from the world and therefore untouchable — would also begin to gently melt.

I think about Her when my kriya are too hard to complete, when I feel like giving-up, when my body is deplete of breath and strength and will. I call upon Her, Parvati the Great Yogini, sublime tapasvini. She who is also Navadurga, She who is also Dasa Mahavidya. Hemavati. Mahashakti.

She brings to me a respite granted by no other. She reminds of my chosen path. She touches me with the fire I need to complete my own purification.

And when I am through, my body shattered and ego reduced to ashes, it is She who calls to me, speaks my true name, and rouses me from my slumber. So that even as I move from one lifetime to another, She reminds me of my footsteps, and the path leading to Shiva.

Forever yours.

Om Hreem Shreem.



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