I imagine people who’ve also gone through what I‘ve experienced — people like my parents and those before them — who didn’t have or weren’t taught the language, understanding, support structure, and self-care that I had.
At a time and place when the words depression or anxiety didn’t even exist in common thought yet.
It breaks my heart on a different level. Yes I know ‘times were different then’ — but it doesn’t negate any of the pain and struggle…
But this also reminds me WHY I do what I do. Why I wrote the "Life on Earth Mastery" book 6 years ago. My students today have the language and theory (at least) to describe what they’re going through. On a spiritual level, more people finally understand what purification means, and it has nothing to do with ‘being pure’.
Psychology may be a hundred years old, but only now shadow work is becoming a ‘plausible idea’.
Our path ahead is long and far. Even dark, in some corners. But I remind myself that this is a Path of Light, one which promises so much more clarity and elevation and depth of meaning. Of joy and the little wonders of being touched daily by synchronistic miracles.
The last 5 days of January has already shown me so much:
Through tears, there can be truth.
Through angry words, there can be love.
Through breaking down, there can be peace and acceptance.
And so much more, wisdom interwoven between the threads of pain and frustration. I also learned this: never give up expressing the truth of your love and care. Meditate and ask to RECOGNIZE different ways of love’s expression — that you may give to your beloveds, and then, when the time comes — that you may know how to receive it yourself too, in complete worthiness.
“I love you in ways you may never understand, but that’s okay, this is not a competition.”