Since I began my inner journey and spiritual teachings in 2010, my desire has never changed: to serve the Goddess. My Teachers have always reminded me that it is Lakshmi who oversees my body of work. In Egypt, She is Hathor.
The previous 2 ‘lockdown years’ allowed me to deepen my daily sadhana and enjoy my kriyas… but it was the recent moon cycles that gifted me with a reconnection to the Great Lakshmi. In my darkest times, after returning from Egypt and I lay body-ill and spirit-broken, She came to me in a different form. I, in my stupor, did not realize the subtle differences then.
She had come to me in Her 8 Manifestations, as Ashta Lakshmi. She showed me where (‘forced me’ to acknowledge) my relationship with Her 8 manifestations were yet completed and not at peace. I had grown lackadaisical and thus, stagnant — with just 3 of Her aspects.
My ego had forgotten there were much deeper roots to learn and unlearn
Last month I had dedicated to working with ‘Santana Lakshmi’, often known as the ‘Child-bearing Lakshmi’ — but on a deeper level She brings healing to the wounds of the Maternal lineage and ancestral line. Recently the energies have shifted to ‘Gaja Lakshmi’, She of the Elephants. Her teachings are gentle but the lessons are tough.
Lakshmi is not simply about ‘wealth’ — She demands gentle mastery over all things that abide in this physical, tangible realm.
Om Shreem MahaLakshmiye Namah.
(Painting by BKS Varma)