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One For The Nagas


I always procure omens before embarking on any sacred journey. For this one: the Nagas.

Nepal is, after all, native land to the Nagas and Sarpas (sacred serpents).

They offer safe passage, fair weather, protection from wild animals, and warding against supernatural disturbances. They also warn of possible natural calamities in your path. When well-propitiated, over months and months of pujas — they may also aid in healing, exorcism, deepening sadhana and other spiritual support.

They send signs when their work is done. In our case, a beautiful snake slithered across the road. Our driver shouted with glee, “Sarpa! Sarpa!”

Before Aaron could snap a photo of course, it had disappeared into the trees.

They send other signs too. The clouds form a serpentine eye with the sun as its iris center.

And so, i asked that we stopped when it was safe, at the next possible river. I needed access to the water. Our Guide Prakash, himself a tantric lay-practitioner, had no qualms about my random requests. It was time for a thanksgiving offering (all biodegradable).

Om Bhujangeshaya Vidmahe

Sarparajaya Dhimahi

Tanno Nagah Prochodayat!

Hail to the Lord of Nagas. Grant us safe passage and illumination through the realm of Maya!

I sang to the rivers and mountains and sky, dissolving my offerings into the water. Our journey had been smooth beyond all possibilities, even the monsoon worked kindly with us. The few landslides we saw were never directly in our path.

Not surprisingly, where we had decided to stop, at the bank of the river stood a Shiva temple — and a Naga shrine.

When you understand divine design, then even chaos is organized intelligence.

Sarva Mangala. Peace to all things. And thank you.



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