On the Topic of ‘Purification’

Those who walk the path are almost constantly in purification.
Purification means ‘to burn away the dross of an existing limitation, usually an unconscious fear pattern we have retained across many lifetimes’. Purification often manifests as falling ill, depression, or sometimes obstacles in one’s path.
Resistance is an automatic reaction to Purification — instead of pushing through the discomfort, it is more ‘comfortable’ to revert and go back into the existing fear pattern (which repeats itself perpetually until purified)
The outcome of purification is Transformation. The existing fear pattern is broken through, and now completely dissolved. A new pattern arises as a result of Transformation, and it is called Wisdom, or simply, empowerment.
Like I said, those who walk the path are constantly in Purification. That is why is it paramount to strengthen the body and mind to withstand the process. Body is sun; Mind is moon.
When Body is strong and the nadis are opened, the Purification will run its course quickly.
When Mind is strong and understanding is clear, one can easily recognize the root cause of the Purification and not succumb to fear.
What about the Spirit? How do we strengthen our Spirit? This can only happen through the Grace and blessings of the Bodhisattvas and the Tatagathas. The Divine itself offers.
That is why when esoteric knowledge is used by a fearful person for egoic reasons — for example, asking for more of this-or-that without understanding the underlying energy or lesson — the Body gets depleted and the Mind become more diminished. In other words it makes one even weaker and more stupid.
The deeper the esoteric, the more sacred it becomes, and the more apparent the consequences.
A great path has opened before me, but I am standing at a crossroads as to what is right to be revealed or shared. What is necessary or not necessary. What shall remain sacred and secret, what shall be disseminated.
Those who walk the path are constantly being purified, actively and consciously. That is why walking alongside those who understand the process, respect the process, and embrace the process — is already such a given Grace.
To all the Dakinis who have blessed my existence, whether incarnated in humanly form, or unmanifested from the higher realms — I recognize you now. I see you in your highest expression, and it is glorious.
May this new lesson begin, for the path has opened. As for you my dear incarnated Dakinis — may you quickly see that gloriousness waiting to manifest into this world through you.
2/5/2019, Kathmandu