O Glorious Mother,
Bless us with the power to recognize our worth and to create authentically, from our own wellspring of truth and honesty. You, Mother of Flaming Wisdom, are the joy that springs from being truthful, creative, and creating.
For those who cannot find their own creative wellspring, bless them. Guide them.
For those who only know how to copy and steal from others, bless them with the ability to see deeper within themselves, to taste to joys of authentic creating and the juiciness of the creative process.
For those who take from others in order to survive or feed the ones they love, bless them with the wisdom of understanding. Let them see that, what they think is good for their loved ones is also hurting them in the long run. Show them the mechanics of ancestral patterns and how wounds travel from one generation to the next.
For those who are afraid of going deep into self-honesty, hold them.
As we step into this time of illusions, uncertainty, and delusion, bless us with the fortitude to stay calm and focused. At a time when honour means nothing, a time where fame is the measure of success — ground us in the awareness of who we are, remind us that we always have a choice, and guide our choices with compassion and wisdom.
Bless us with the courage to stand strong as who we are, through all the wounded projections, vilification, and thievery.
And lastly, Divine Mother Tamer of Rahu, may those who mean harm to your children be spared from Your glorious wrath.
Beloved Mother Prakriti. All the joys and teachings of this world are only possible through You.
Sarva Mangalam.
Thank you!