Today is a reminder to stop and smell the flowers.
Progress is often not linear. Many students feel like giving-up after years of trying and pushing, yet not ‘seeing tangible results’.
A few gentle reminders for this dark moon:
• Not all results are tangible.
Something as subtle as ‘feeling less tired’ or ‘being less triggered’ is an important state that is often overlooked! You have grown — but you don’t realize it. Ask trusted people around you for reflection.
• Purification is hard-work.
Remember, clearing generations (or lifetimes) of fear-conditioning cannot happen overnight or over a few weekend’s worth of workshops. Slow and steady wins the race.
• It’s okay to take a break!
Don’t forget to have fun as you ‘journey inwards’. When spirituality becomes ‘constantly punishing’ then the ego has taken over in the form of Unworthiness. That being said, there IS a major difference between committing to a practice (sadhana) versus just ‘flowing with it’ on a daily basis.
If you don’t manage your given time, then time will manage you. So use your energies wisely and consciously.
Self-awareness and — self-honesty — is always the fundamental key.
Cheers, my dears.