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Validation & Connection


Is Your Desire for Connection, Validation, and Being Seen — Propelling Your Internal Growth?

…. Or is it blinding you from being exploited by ‘spiritual gurus’, marketing experts, and collective projections?

As we prepare for Rahu to conjunct with the Sun and Mercury in the next few days for the coming month — all in the emotional, unconscious waters of Pisces — these questions come to the surface.

Are you able to tell apart your own need for validation, from the work that needs to be done for your own self-validation, healing, and empowerment?

Do you know where your insecurities, the need for external validation, stem from? Do you have an action plan to work towards transforming this?

Are you aware of your body and what emotions go through you? What does security — or threat — feel like in your body? Has your body been sending your signals by means of dis-ease or symptoms that you may have missed?

Do you understand that being with people who make you feel temporarily secure — or ‘feel spiritual’ — does not constitute as walking the spiritual path itself? That there is neither substitute nor replacement for the self-work required towards self-love and self-empowerment?

Are you truly requiring spiritual and emotional support — or is it emotional dependency you are looking for? Because your inner child was not shown the means for emotional safety and self-care when you were young?

Can you tell the difference between the two?

As human beings, we all need some form of emotional support, community, connectedness, and some form a validation (from healthy sources). Yet when the lines are blurred, and when there is so much bombardment of words, information, and ‘psychological suggestions’ everywhere we turn today — it’s easy to forget who we are and what we truly desired in the first place.

There will always be this psychological warfare and marketing smokescreens at large, this is nothing new. But the test then becomes: how true can we stay to who we are, and what legacy are we leaving behind for our children simply by way of how we choose to live our life?

Are you a model of fear, doing your best to numb the nagging feeling that something’s not quite right? (This often manifests as the fear of losing control, the fear of failing, or being rejected)

Or do you choose to face your fears, the path of fire and courage, even if it requires you to name your demons and confront them one by one?


Watery Rahu will swallow the Sun from March 15 till April 13. An actual solar eclipse also takes place on April 8 within this window of illusions as well. The scales of shadow and light may very well tip.

“Your deepest fantasies will come true — but you have to sacrifice your truth and morals for it.”

(And for those with already no truth or morals? Easy. All worldly pleasures will be yours, at the cost of your life-force or the ones dearest to you.)

Ultimately, the Law of Karma can be straightforward: Everything we have today is a consequence of a prior choice made before. The seed determines the fruit. And even if we can get away with something today just because no one is looking… consider the seeds we are planting for our future selves, the next generation, or simply the future of humanity and earth itself.

A month of darkness beckons. Exciting, nonetheless, because it is in the dark that the light becomes clear and truly seen.

May you catch those hidden, shining gems, glistening from within you as a result of your inner work, from the long path you have walked thus far.

Hari Om Tat Sat.



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